Beneficiary attendant

  • Amount of available positions: Competitive
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  • Provide basic care to patients, ensure a presence after them, offer them physical assistance, help them maintain their state of health while respecting their integrity and dignity, in order to contribute to their well-being.
  • Collaborate with the team of nursing staff, as well as with the entire care team by communicating useful information to them relating to the state of health and the behavior of your patients.
  • Help patients get up, at mealtimes and at bedtime.
  • Working conditions

    • Salary from $27 to $40/h depending on the region.
    • Ability to choose the location and type of establishment of their choice and to have the schedule according to their availability for punctual shifts, short, medium and long term, in health and accommodation establishments
    • Orientation shifts paid at half price.
    • Possibility of accommodation, transportation and a per diem paid depending on the region.

    Skills and Abilities

    • Détenir un DEP de 750 heures (Diplôme d'études professionnelles) réussi et reconnu par le MELS en Assistance à la personne en établissement de santé ou avoir une Attestation de 750 heures (acceptée dans certaines régions).
    • Etude en cours au programme en Soins infirmiers ou en Santé avec quelques mois de cours complétés peut être accepté.
    • Expérience d’au moins 6 mois comme PAB dans un établissement public du réseau de la santé du Québec.
    • Avoir carte de RCR et PDSB valides
    • Parler et écrire couramment le français.

    Interested by this job offer?

    Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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