About us

Our agency

La direction de l’agence Altitude Médic est composée d’une équipe de professionnels aux compétences variées et complémentaires ayant acquis de pertinentes expériences de travail. L’équipe dirigeante maitrise totalement le besoin d’adaptation rapide dans un nouveau milieu de travail après avoir joué différents rôles de responsabilité.

Our values

As a job provider, Altitude Medic will remain a corporate citizen by playing its economic, social and environmental roles. The team believes in its participation in the socio-economic development of its environment while respecting the laws within its jurisdiction.

With this in mind, the company will follow the directives of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by not discriminating in the context of its services to the population. The agency undertakes to respect all the agreements entered into with the health establishments that use the services of its personnel.

Agency management will align with the practice of:

  • Professionalism
  • The quality of care
  • honesty
  • Adaptability to the needs of the client establishment
  • Respect for the patient and his autonomy
  • Accountability
  • Confidentiality
  • civility

Jobs available

Our team is looking for talent for the following positions

Get in touch

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